There’s good news out of Solon! Members of city council’s finance committee unanimously rejected a city-owned broadband proposal that would have put local government in business against the private sector. The wise decision by the finance committee to oppose this proposal protects Solon taxpayers from major government overreach and waste. We oppose these major expansions of local government and applaud the members of the Solon finance committee who stood strong in voting down this foolhardy proposal.
Let’s not forget that some communities cite recruiting new businesses and creating jobs as a reason to use taxpayer money to grow government. Solon is home to several large employers, and they see that the best path forward – for taxpayers and for job creators – is to allow the private sector to work. Kudos to them for wise decision-making.
Here’s an article from highlighting the news. And here’s Nancy Meany speaking about the deal:
Meany said she had "concerns right away" last August when the RFP was introduced to council, and they have only intensified since then.
"I look at this as a potential disaster," Meany said. "I think it's a huge mistake for the city to undertake something like this. There are way, way too many alarm bells for me."
Meany believes that broadband, at least in Solon’s case, should remain in the private sector, rather than some “pie-in-the-sky” public initiative.
Let’s call or email these council members and thank them for being advocates for responsible government!
Nancy Meany
Robert Pelunis
Jeremy Zelwin