Ohio Senate's version of biennial budget includes an important provision...

The Ohio Senate added an important provision into the state’s biennial budget last week that involves the abilities of municipalities to set up government-owned networks (GONs). While municipalities and the organizations that represent them have been up in arms, this provision is actually good for the taxpayer. Here’s why: By limiting municipalities from establishing GONs, we’ll ensure that taxpayer funds don’t go towards competing with the private sector.

This provision ensures that, in places where the private sector already is providing service, municipalities can’t spend tax dollars on duplicating that infrastructure. This is a common sense measure to ensure that Ohioan’s tax dollars are spent wisely. Let’s hope this provision makes it through the conference committee that will create the final version of the budget.

Vax-a-million: controversial or brilliant?

You may have heard that Ohio Governor Mike DeWine recently announced that the state will take some of their COVID relief money and raffle it off to any vaccinated Ohioan who enters the drawing. The state will give out $1,000,000 every Wednesday for five weeks to an Ohioan 18 years or older. For vaccinated Ohioans 12-17 years old, the state will choose one winner who will receive a full four-year college scholarship.

Some questioned whether this was the right manner to use the COVID funding. When asked, this is how Governor DeWine responded: “I know that some may say, ‘DeWine, you’re crazy! This million-dollar drawing idea of yours is a waste of money’,” DeWine said in his statewide address Wednesday. “But truly, the real waste at this point in the pandemic -- when the vaccine is readily available to anyone who want it -- is a life lost to COVID-19.”

At this point, only time will tell what the outcome is.

What would you do with $2,500,000,000,000?

According to Cleveland.com, that’s the amount that Ohio has already spent of federal funds allocated to our great state. Last month, the Ohio Senate approved spending $920 million that will go to a variety of different programs. It’s important that engaged citizens pay attention and that we hold government accountable! One great source to learn more is OhioCheckbook.gov.